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What is content? Article structure and the art of building Content

When it comes to Marketing or website SEO, the important factor that people often think of is content. Especially now, the saying “Content is King” – can be applied in all different fields and brings unexpected results. In the following article, let’s find out interesting things about Content as well as the job opportunities that this career brings.

I. Learn about the term Content

1. What is Content?

Content is useful content, information, or meaningful messages conveyed to the community and society in many fields and expressed in all forms of videos, newspapers, texts, songs, etc. Content is now used to tell a story or advertise a product or service. Content exists under two different categories: Content SEO and Content Marketing.

Both contain content, but Content Marketing is to advertise products, have marketing purposes, attract customers to create profit value and exist in the form of: Infographic, Webpage, Podcast, video, … Content SEO – Search Engine Optimization (optimization with search engines) is more technical, still conveys information to users, but SEO content must make both  Google ‘s algorithms  and readers understand. that content. From there, the article can easily reach customers and attract them to visit the  website .

2. The Role of Content in Marketing

For customers, when they need to learn about product information such as uses, solutions, etc., they tend to go online to search. Therefore, if the business website can provide sufficient information, friendly language and understandable expressions to users, it will create more impressions. They will be able to return to your website over and over again, helping to increase traffic.

Regular posting of useful content for customers about a certain field shows that the business is an expert. Thereby increasing customer trust in both the brand and the business. At the same time, increase the level of customer awareness and use of products. They do not have to hesitate or doubt about anything when choosing to buy, and that helps increase revenue for the business.

In addition, owning attractive content also helps stimulate interaction with customers. If the articles on social networks are interesting to readers, they will not hesitate to leave feedback, and so will customers. Relying on social networks to build content to create connections will help customers get more excited, and not only can connect with businesses, expand the market.

3. Basic Content Types to Know

Because the content is so diverse, it is divided according to the following 3 purposes:

– Entertainment content:  These types of content are often very close and real with the purpose of making people laugh. It could be a short story, or saying the obvious or even what goes on every day. These types of entertainment content often get a lot of interactions and shares, helping the business brand spread more widely without spending a lot of money.

– Content utility:  Businesses need to seriously invest in this content item because the purpose is to help customers solve problems related to the business field. This type of content needs to be presented professionally, ensuring useful solutions for customers. From there, affirming the brand.

– Content provides information:  Often this type of content appears on business websites that exist in product posts. This type of content is intended to help provide information about the product and its associated solutions. Content provides information that is very accessible to target customers and satisfies their needs.

II. Commonly used Content Formats

– Type of blog post:  This is a simple form of using content for the purpose of providing information or solutions to customers. Good SEO blog posts will bring unexpected results, increase website traffic.

– Content Guides:  Exists in the form of blog posts, but content guides are invested more than images and vivid effects. This format is set up with the goal of prompting user action.

– Content How to:  This type of content is formed based on the  AIDA model  used to teach how to do, similar to tips. The goal of this type of content is to help identify problems and provide solutions that shape user action.

– Content List:  The purpose of this content is to list about a certain field. So this type of content is usually a compilation, a list, maybe a collection of the best or the most popular.

– Videos Content:  Users often tend to see information rather than read, because it is convenient and vivid. This is a form of content that conveys a message, providing information in the form of a video.

– Images Content:  Conveying messages and providing information through images is the format of image content. Using illustrations or representations helps users feel more friendly and attractive.

– Content Infographics:  Format a collection of images, text and presented as minimally as possible in the form of charts. Content infographics help users easily grasp information.

– Content Meme:  Writers will often rely on trends, they will insert text into funny images to create attraction with readers. This type of content is often found on social media channels.

User Generated Content:  Is a completely new type of content created by the writer. This type of content requires the creativity of the writer, thereby helping to make a difference and stand out for the business.

– Content Daily:  This is considered as breaking news. The content and information will be updated at a regular time frame. Repeating information will help create habits for users, and make sure they don’t miss any news.

– Email Newsletters:  Information will be sent to users through the email they have previously registered with the business. Email content often mentions areas of interest to users, but it can also be a letter to introduce new activities of the business.

– Press release:  Presented within 1 page as text. This text format is intended to introduce new events or activities of the business.

– Content Product Review:  Often this content is seen a lot on social networking sites. The main purpose is to share the experience of the product, and at the same time introduce and call for people to use the product or service.

Content Interviews:  Businesses must script this content format. Interviewees must have enough information to convince viewers.

– Livestream:  Direct interaction on social networks helps users and businesses get closer. Livestream not only saves costs in an absolute way, but also increases the level of business recognition.

– Content Ebooks:  This type of content helps users get more useful information from businesses. Contributing to increasing the level of user trust and easy brand recognition.

Case Studies:  The writer will pose many practical situations in daily life to suit the knowledge to be provided. From there, readers can apply the knowledge that the writer conveys easily, meeting the needs of users.

III. Structure a standard SEO content article

– Title of the article (Title and SEO Title):  What touches the reader’s eyes first will determine whether they read the entire article or not. A good and attractive title will stimulate the readers’ curiosity, leading them to the website of the business. The title must ensure that it contains the desired user keyword, is short, concise and arouses curiosity.

Meta description:  Usually a short paragraph containing 170 characters. The meta description that appears with the article title on the Google page is equally important. The meta section should summarize the main ideas stated in the article to help readers refer to whether the content is exactly what they are looking for.

– Opening paragraph (Sapo):  Begin the article by posing a problem to the reader, possibly based on objective views. From there, using leading sentences will help readers follow the flow of the article easily.

– The headings in the article (Heading):  The headings are divided in order, the largest is Heading 1, followed by Heading 2, Heading 3, etc. The heading helps the reader to be less boring when only seeing the whole thing. letters and words at the same time help writers to allocate knowledge items more easily.

– Body (Text and Multimedia):  In each Heading section will contain the content there. To avoid the case that many words make the reader confused, each Heading should not contain more than 300 words and should be divided into several paragraphs. This makes knowledge easy to absorb.

Keyword Density:  Standard SEO articles need to be understood by both users and Google. The appearance density of keywords fluctuates depending on the number of words in the article, but the best density is from 2 to 5%. You should remember, the article is for users to read, so don’t make it too stereotyped, they will have a hard time receiving the information.

– Links (Internal Link and External link):  In the article, there will be 2 types of links: Internal Links – internal links that help lead to similar content in the same business website. Besides, there is an External link – an external link that helps support another website. However, this is quite dangerous in case that website provides bad information, your website will also be partially affected.

IV. Steps to build professional content articles

1. Build an overall Content plan

Any investment needs a specific item from which to build a reasonable plan. In the planning section, you must clearly know the topic, content and goals for each section as well as the end goal. So that when implementing the plan, it can be monitored and edited based on that.

2. Frame the content for Content

The content framing for the article is mandatory, this is considered a necessary skill. The content frame helps the writer visualize the whole article in a specific way. This helps to limit the situation of stuck ideas, rambling, repeating ideas in the writing process.

3. Choose a title for the article

Based on the content frame that has been created, choose for the article a title that attracts readers. To do this well, the writer must learn and analyze the reader’s search trends and which words will belong to the group that will attract and arouse the reader’s curiosity. Of course, the title should be short but meaningful.

4. Synthesize and select valuable information

To get a good article, the writer must collect information from many sources, learn about the original information and related information that readers are often interested in. From there, distilling and synthesizing, turning it into your own article, it will synthesize a lot of favorite information for readers.

5. Check the written content

After writing the content that needs to be conveyed, the writer must check it many times to make sure that the content is complete and seamless. Besides, it is necessary to check the reasonable level of sentence breaks and paragraph breaks. The check should be done 2-3 times to get the completeness of the article.

6. Optimize SEO factors

SEO factors in articles include typos, headings, in-article links, meta description, and title. It is necessary to carefully examine and analyze the level of keyword distribution in the article. Besides, the title has been able to attract and arouse the curiosity of the readers because the attractive title will be able to attract the readers.

7. Evaluate the effectiveness of Content

After completing the steps, you can now publish the article to your website or social networking sites. At the same time, set a goal and score for the article based on tracking comments and contributions from readers.

8. Continue to optimize Quality Content

Regularly review the mistakes made to improve the quality better every day. Thus, your content will be more and more effective and easier to climb to the top of search!

V. Points to pay attention to in the article Content

To have an effective content article, it is necessary to pay attention to avoid making spelling mistakes. Spelling errors here include errors in meaning and punctuation. When customers or readers encounter typos, they will have an unprofessional review for the website and the writer, leaving a bad impression. In addition, typos appearing in the article will interrupt the text of the article as well as the reader’s emotional circuit, they will not be able to read to the end of the article.

As for the structure of the article, it is necessary to divide it into several parts and arrange it properly to express the complete ideas. The division into many different parts will create a highlight in the article, readers can easily summarize the information, and especially the target customer groups will be more accessible. The distribution of images, too, should be spread throughout the article to avoid boredom when reading the article.

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